Systems Failure: Policing Can’t Be Reformed: Why Defunding and Abolishing is the Common-Sense Approach
Monday, July 13, 2020
12:30 PM (PT)
- Michael McAfee, President and CEO, PolicyLink
- Rachel Herzing, Executive Director, Center for Political Education
- Anne Price, President, Insight Center for Community Economic Development
- Anand Subramanian, Managing Director, PolicyLink
Communities across the country are rising up and demanding that policymakers reallocate budgets by divesting from the police and investing directly in Black communities. This webinar will explore what “defund” means, its connection to police abolition, how “anti-Blackness” must be confronted before any system can provide safety and justice, and why PolicyLink rejected police reform in favor of systems transformation aligned with the demands of this historic moment.
Learn more and register to attend virtually here.
Watch a recording of this webinar by clicking here or on the video below.