Moneywise Business Forum | Booming: Prospering From Metro Washington DC’s Economic Boom

2015 Moneywise Empowerment Tour

Your Success Matters! Free Conference

Join Moneywise TV show’s Kelvin Boston for an uplifting financial experience featuring dynamic speakers, best-selling authors, community influencers, business forums, money management workshops, exhibitors, refreshments, national recording artists and more. Make a commitment to your financial success. 


Where: Washington, DC

Metropolitan AME Church

1518 M Street, NW

Washington, DC

When: November 6th, 2015, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm


Moneywise’s TV Series hosts, Kelvin Boston leads Washington, DC multicultural small business owners and community thought leaders in an interactive workshop about rapid urban expansion. Using the ground breaking Prudential Investment Management’s The Wealth of Cities report, Kelvin Boston helps local minority leaders understand the employment, business, housing and investment opportunities associated with the once in a lifetime economic boom occurring in Washington, DC. While major stakeholders, few multicultural households understand how they can prosper from urban expansion. (Projected Attendance 100).

6:00-7:00pm         Reception and Networking


7:00-7:15pm     Welcome and Remarks

Insight Center for Community Economic Development

(Connie Evans)

Metropolitan AME Church

                               US Black Chamber of Washington, DC


7:15-7:30pm         Kelvin Boston, Host Moneywise PBS                    

Prospering In Washington DC’s Economic Boom

Whitepaper: Prudential’s The Wealth Of Cities Report


7:30 -8:00 pm       Reponses: 5 minute Presentations:        

                           US Black Chamber of Washington, DC

African American Assoc. of Human Resource Prof.

                           National Urban League of Washington, DC

Washington, DC Government ???

Prudential Representative (African American Study)


8:00 – 8:30 pm     Moderated Workshop:

                           Prospering From Rapid Urban Expansion


8:30 – 9:00 pm     Workshop Discussion and Close

Moneywise 2015 Empowerment Seminar:

Your Success Matter!


Where: Washington, DC

Metropolitan AME Church

1518 M Street, NW

Washington, DC

When: November 7th, 2015, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm


8:00-9:00 am     Registration & Coffee

9:00-9:30 am     Welcome Remarks and Introductions

Host Church or Organization

Insight Center for Community Economic Development          

                              Representative Prudential Foundation

Representative Local Sponsors       

9:30-10:00 am   Presenter: Kelvin Boston,

Host of the Moneywise PBS series

Topic: Your Financial Success Matter!

 Musical Selections: Ms. Doreen Vail

National Gospel Recording Artist

 10:00-10:30 am   Keynote Speaker: Robert Ferguson, MS, CN

CEO of Diet Free Life, LLC

Topic: How Good Health Increases Wealth


10:30-11:00 am   Panel Discussion #1: Securing Employment in the 21st   Century

  • Local Workforce Development Or 1 Stop Job Center (TBD)
  • Local Employment Agency (TBD)
  • National Association of African American Human Resource Professional

11:00-11:30 am   Session#2: Money Success in an Uncertain Economy  

  • Insight Center For Economic Development
  • Lynnette Khalfani, author of Zero Debt
  • Local Budget Counselor
  • Local CFP

11:30-12:00 am   Keynote Speaker: Prudential Financial

Roadmap To Retirement Success

12:00-12:30pm    Panel Discussion #3: Successful Investments Strategies

  • Local African American Bank or Bank
  • Lynnette Khalfani, author of Investing Success
  • Local Estate Attorney
  • African American CFP            

12:30- 1:00 pm    Lunch Break: Complimentary Box Lunch    

Networking, Book Signing, Exhibit Area Open

1:00-1:15 pm        Musical Selection: Ms. Doreen Vail

                               National Gospel Recording Artist

1:15-1:45 pm        Keynote Speaker: Rev. Jamal Bryant

                              Pastor Empowerment Temple, AME Church

1:45-2:15 pm        Panel Discussion #4: Making Money in Real Estate

  • National Assoc. Real Estate Brokers
  • Representative Fannie Mae (TBD)
  • National Urban League
  • Local Government Housing Agency
  • Reverse Mortgage

2:15-3:00 pm   Panel Discussion #5: The View Sisters Talking Success

  • Local Female Business Owner
  • Local Female Corporate Executive
  • Local Female Non-profit
  • Government Executive

3:00 – 3:05pm      Spoken Word Artist Performance: Chris Jones

Topic: A Tribute To Black Men

3:05-3:15 pm        NEFE Special Presentation:

Brent Nisner, CFP  

                        Door Prize Drawing

3:15 –3:45pm       Keynote Speaker: Dennis Kimbro, PhD

Professor, Clark Atlanta University School of Business

                               and author of Think and Grow Rich A Black Choice

Topic: The Wealth Choice, Success Secrets Of African American Millionaires 

3:45 -4:15 pm   Panel Discussion # 6: Business Basics

  • Representative From Score
  • Representative From SBA One Stop Business      Center
  • Local Bank or CDFI Fund Representative

4:15-4:30 pm       Presenter: Kelvin Boston

                               Host Moneywise PBS Series

                                Topic: The Everlasting Light of Success

4:30-5:00 pm       Networking, Book Signing, Exhibit Hall Open
